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I had a number of different approaches and techniques I wanted to pursue and from there my base broadened to it’s entirety. I wanted to experiment as much as I could in the given time with a number of alternative mediums and a range of different outcomes to steer me in countless directions. Although this sounds messy and complex, it is what I required to tackle such a raw topic.


My practice became a mixture of post-processing, photo manipulation and montage combined to create “Rorschach”, a metaphorical portal to represent the descent of the landscape due to environmental/climate crisis through the use of inkblots. Shapes and lines act as triggers in the brain that elicit memories and experiences which, in turn, provided me with the intelligence to identify the unseen or repressed emotions towards the landscape, within my imagery. The aim of Rorschach is to provide a perspective that would allow viewers to engage and look through the image, not past it. 


To extend my current knowledge surrounding biopsychology and ways of studying the brain, I conducted thorough research into the cognitive approach and the brain. I gathered information and created vision boards to make the necessary connections to strengthen my practice. Some topics of exploration include split-brain; structure and function; somatosensory cortex, motor cortex, auditory cortex and visual cortex; fMRI, EEG, ECG, post-mortem. Not only this but I investigated the cognitive approach and how it assumes that our thought processes affect the way in which we behave. In this case, the behaviour I observe closely is how we perceive and react to the reality of the landscape we’re effectively creating.


My film images try to portray old style alternative processes and techniques in an attempt to really focus on composition, aperture, shutter speed and lighting rather than seeing the subject and snapping the shot. I found that while working on this assignment, I learned a lot more about my own character.

My practice is heavily centred around concepts of ecocriticism, climate crisis plus global warming however these are all events that can only occur as the result of human activity. Moreover, I am also fascinated by nature’s ability to heal and fix itself in parts if not entirely as well as the patterns that link us, as humans, to nature.


My photographs don’t include any human influence on the environment, either in the frame or after post-processing because I wish to show the landscape in it’s truest and most natural form.

Upon closer inspection, I did begin to see patterns emerge from my own images that differed from other viewers perspectives. After this, I stumbled upon the ‘Rorschach Inkblot Psychological Test’. Does the inkblot resemble my photograph or am I seeing something more? 

The final outcome became something materialistic and tangible, something hand made.





























I have interest in my practice through continuous progression and further development. Often after I find a theory that caught my attention or a photographic technique that I’d never come across before, I like to create mind maps to document my own thought processes and direction of focus.


Phase 1: Mirror


As much as I try to avoid photoshop and post-processing techniques, I do enjoy testing my fondness for photo manipulation. Mirror was a happy accident through channelling something new.


Phase 2: Rorschach/Inkblots


Laying my images out as prints allowed me to identify shapes, patterns, connections and narrative. Development into this area made my practice become much more psychological than I intended but it worked, nevertheless.


Phase 3: Illustration


My creative mind spilled into photoshop for a brief moment to create a series of illustrations of my ‘Rorschach’ images. Although I received positive feedback, this outcome moved away from nature and more towards the digital age therefore taking my practice further than it needed to go.


Phase 4: Rorschach Final


By removing the obtained inkblots and the style of diptychs, the photographs began to link with each other to form the structure of my series.

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