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Critical thinking [PART 1]

How do you pin point the exact point of human consciousness? It could be when we awake, when we're woken or when we choose to stay awake. It is fascinating to me as to what extent the human mind is capable of collecting our most suppressed and potentially damaging unconscious thoughts. I'm an Artist, it is only normal and almost materialsitic to think about the more pressing matters at hand. That is our world. But it is it's own world, it belongs only to itself, no matter the vulnerability and pressure from our human impact on THE landscape.


It is to be said that the landscape is limitless, vast in its own right. The more we push to see what lies beneath the surface, the more we uncover rainforests and disturb habitats, the more we continue to build on the air pollution we have created, the more we are killing ourselves in the process. This is a constant cycle of the game 'Snake', the more you push the wrong way, the closer you come to destroying yourself. As humans, we are so self-destructive without knowing it but we have immense empathy, guilt and social pressures. We feel shame for what society has deemed worthy to feel shameful because of.


We are closer than ever before to sustaining knowledge outside of expectations ever precedented on Earth but at what cost? It is a nice thought that there are still some, however small in comparison to previous decades, islands that are untouched and safe from human contact.

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