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Hive Exhibition - Blackpool

Mark McNeill

Visiting Hive in Blackpool, I analysed work by Mark McNeill who specialises in landscape and astro photography. This was a useful event for me given my current practice being very centred around the landscape in relation to the contrasting arguments between romanticism and the sublime.

I found his work to be both heavily contemporary using modern methods of neutral density filters and advanced technology approaches however the images also have an Ansel Adams feel to them which causes them to evoke feelings of romance within nature.

Alternatively, the images do remind me of work by Fay Godwin given the small features of man-made objects which could highlight the underlying effects of social influence on the landscape. For these reasons alone, this work speaks volume to me and I was able to take a lot of information from just 13 images and a small abstract about McNeill's practice.

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